Our Certified Dog Trainers are ready to help you and your four-legged best friend live a happy life!
Frequently Asked Questions
At what age should my puppy start classes?
We highly recommend that you start classes within a few weeks of your dog arriving home. The early socialization period for baby pups starts around 5 weeks of age (your breeder will start the pup off on the right foot), and continues on to about 16 weeks of age. This is an extremely important window of opportunity to get your puppy comfortable with the world we live in. It is equally important to not force or overwhelm the pup. Structured group sessions are ideally suited to accommodate early learning and appropriate socialization in a safe setting.
How many vaccinations does my puppy need in order to participate in group sessions?
We require age appropriate vaccines administered by a veterinary clinic. This ensures your puppy has also received a health check and a clear bill of Health in addition to the needed vaccinations. Most pups are vaccinated between 7 and 8 weeks for the first time as that is the time frame where the mother's maternal antibodies are starting to reduce their effectiveness and it is a prime time for your pup to be immunized. Follow-up immunizations take place twice more with about four weeks in between. These repeated vaccinations are extra safeguards in case the maternal antibodies lasted longer than average. We follow the AVSAB position statement for safety and appropriate socialization opportunities, you can find those guidelines here.
What class is suitable for my dog who has never taken classes before?
We recommend that pups under 20 weeks of age start with the puppy
socialization and play class. This will give them a great foundation in life.
Dogs between 20 weeks and two years that have never attended group
sessions, but are not reactive, will be best served by attending the Level 1
Pup and Up classes. It will do a deep dive in the foundation exercises
and build on current experiences and skills.
My dog has taken classes with Best Paw Forward before, can I attend a Level 2, Level 3 or other fun classes?
The sports classes (Scentwork, Rally, and Agility), Tricks, Real Life, Level 2 and Level 3 classes build on previous curriculum from the Level 1 classes. If you are up to date and comfortable with the material that was given to you before, the class of your choice will be a perfect progression of your learning. But, if you feel you could use a refresher before attending continuing classes, we could set up a private session for you and your dog to ensure you are ready for the fun challenges that await you!
Are there any prerequisites for the Scentwork classes?
Our scent work sessions are in a small group format,
where dogs and people are having fun together! The only
prerequisite is the dog is friendly with people and not
reactive to dogs. If your dog is uncomfortable in a group
setting, we do offer specialized sessions for scent work for
dogs that have fear or reactivity concerns. These sessions
are on demand and you can email us directly
Do you offer agility training?
We're excited to have our Fun With Agility program start up again in the spring. Pre-registration is available by emailing bestpawdogtraining@gmail.com. You will be contacted once the dates have been confirmed!
My dog is reacting really poorly with people and or other dogs, what class do you recommend?
You are certainly not alone! In order to assess what would work best for you and your dog, a private lesson is the best place to start. The trainer will spend an intense hour with you one-on-one, and will send you detailed notes after the session outlining what steps to take going forward. If group sessions are appropriate, recommendations will be made accordingly. You will get detailed advice and exercises right away to get you started on your journey.
To help your dog be the best dog possible, please start by filling out the Training Consult Form.
Do you make house visits to help me with my dog's behaviour?
Most certainly! Home visits are scheduled to suit your needs and availability! Please fill out the Training Consult Form and we will reach out with options to meet!
When I book a Private session, can I bring our other family dog?
Yes, if the second dog is part of the same family , we welcome them to attend during private one-on-one sessions.
Can I bring my child to the group classes?
Young Children are very welcome to attend, provided there is one
designated person to work with the dog, and one to attend to the
If the child is older and able to participate or even take the lead in
the dog training during classes, we encourage that wholeheartedly!
Can I bring one or two family members to attend the group sessions?
Yes, family members that are involved and interested in the dog
training are very welcome to attend. We do ask that only one person
works with the dog during an exercise to avoid making it confusing
for the dog.